MLG Dallas This Weekend

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United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 05 2010 12:38Posts: 619
Starcraft 2 fanboys :)... MLG Dallas is this weekend. Awesome lineup of players you guys should definitely tune in. It's all this weekend, free streaming with Day[9] commentating the games. Not sure who his co-commentator is.

Players include TLO, HuK, IdrA, KiWiKaKi, qxc, Fenix, to name a few.

Visit the site for coverage and the stream. :) its going to be sick! Idra won the last MLG held in D.C. with crazy crazy crazy Zerg macro: it was just amazing. Let's see how he does this time NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 05 2010 21:51Posts: 1000
Yeah, I always get excited about the MLG Pro Circuit and then I remember they use Octoshape :(
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia November 06 2010 05:24Posts: 99
I wish they spread the tournament out over time. I like watching SC2 matches, but I don't want to watch them for freaking 12 hours straight! Couple of hours a day is more than enough, guys!
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 09:19Posts: 619
I've heard about Octoshape. Is it really that bad? whats the history behind it? NEWSWRITER
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 13:54Posts: 619
Maar, watch Game 1 and Game 3 of Nazgul vs Idra. =). NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 18:43Posts: 1000
It basically holds your machine hostage and uses it as a streaming agent for crap you're not even watching, or even when you're watching nothing at all -_-;
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 18:46Posts: 1000
Watching a re-stream on livestream :D ooh yeah
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 18:56Posts: 1000
Wow @ nony vs painuser
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 19:08Posts: 619
Yeah that was a great game. So far the best games of today were, imo, Game 1 and 3 of Nazgul vs Idra and Game 2 of Jinro vs Socke. Just amazing. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 21:02Posts: 1000
On your broadcast on sc2 u said to get replay pack from tlnet but I can't find it :(

link? ^^
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 06 2010 22:13Posts: 619 NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 15:43Posts: 1000
Anyone else watching what's happening with this fail bullshit?

Fucking disgraceful.

Do you REALLY want LAN mode?

Haha, what a joke. Blizzard had better see now that their futile attempts to thwart piracy just hurts the legitimate consumer in the long run. Now the poor MLG folks have a room full of SC fans and no games happening.

Nice work Blizzard. Excellent job.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 18:14Posts: 619
Yeah. Not much we can do. I mean if we really hate Blizzard we would boycott their games but I sure as hell am not boycotting SC2 haha. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 18:25Posts: 1000

Bobotastic wrote:

Yeah. Not much we can do. I mean if we really hate Blizzard we would boycott their games but I sure as hell am not boycotting SC2 haha.

Obviously that's not an option :)

However, Blizzard needs to realise that their anti-piracy measures:
1) Fail to prevent piracy
2) Hurt legitimate consumers

This is not acceptable. Not for an ESPORT.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 19:48Posts: 619
Agreed. We can just hope for the best that they listen to us. Its a dictatorship I tell ya.

But MLG officials did announce that it was actually a fiber cable that was ripped(or cut, something along those lines), that it wasn't the server, but regardless of fiber cable or not, if you want a game to be an eSport, you need LAN ffs. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 20:46Posts: 1000

Bobotastic wrote:

Agreed. We can just hope for the best that they listen to us. Its a dictatorship I tell ya.

But MLG officials did announce that it was actually a fiber cable that was ripped(or cut, something along those lines), that it wasn't the server, but regardless of fiber cable or not, if you want a game to be an eSport, you need LAN ffs.

Oh what, really? I remember on the stream day[9] and djwheat, saying that the MLG officials announced that it was really a server problem :S
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 21:05Posts: 619
oh really? I heard otherwise. Haha your probably right. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 07 2010 21:16Posts: 1000
OK - so it turns out the problem was with the public (AT&T) internet (ISP level).

Regardless, this is a problem which would've been mitigated by LAN mode.


On November 08 2010 11:55 MLG_Lee wrote:

On November 08 2010 10:52 Hikko wrote:

It was their own Ethernet cords that were messed up, even if it was lan they wouldn't have been able to play. was not involved at all, as stated by Wheat.

You misunderstood. The issue was NOT the local network or our upstream network or The issue was the PUBLIC internet on the way to There was a major outtage at ATT/Level3.

Thanks for tuning in. Will check for more feedback later.

aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 08 2010 10:16Posts: 619
Yeah and watching the stream yesterday of the MLG post party and DJWheat being super drunk hahaha, they were saying how Blizzcon and GSL runs on a LAN. I guess it seems that Blizzard does have the LAN implementation and uses but only gives it to those who buy the LAN software from them, and God knows how much they charge for that. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam November 12 2010 06:06Posts: 1000
The full replay pack for dallas MLG:
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN

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