More Screenshot Compilations

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Australia April 13 2013 09:11Posts: 225
Hey guys! Those of you around years ago would remember my screenshot compilation(s) of old. I have finally put together another couple from the last while. Took a bit of digging through random files, but alas, I have some lol-worthy stuff :)

Before I present my works of art, a few disclaimers:
  • the community is a bunch of 12 year old, foul mouthed individuals
  • so is proxiteam
  • if you are featured in any of these screenshots, it is because I love you, and nothing else
  • Dwain, I'm sorry for breaking the forum again :P
Enjoy! ........if you're having trouble seeing it
Australia April 13 2013 09:12Posts: 225 ........if you're having trouble seeing it

Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 14 2013 07:36Posts: 427
Hahahahahaaha! Man these are excellent!

My personal favourites-

1: GGFight: 2 zergs can only mean one thing.
ZergSwarm: fuck you
ZergSwarm: map hacker

2: The time where we invited some faggot to our channel and started spamming "why you heff to be mad?"

3: Dwain telling Nape too achieve his full potential.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 15 2013 16:29Posts: 1000
Hahahaha these are pretty funny.

Also I un-broke it for you. They are a little smaller as a result but people can click the links for the big versions if they really want.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 20 2013 19:01Posts: 376
"How do i block this channel?"

I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 22 2013 15:16Posts: 4
God the shame on that second Gif of my self dick sucking with astronomical lies
Let me see ya nuts shwing
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 22 2013 15:17Posts: 4
God the shame on the second Gif of my self dick sucking and astronomical lies :(
Let me see ya nuts shwing
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 22 2013 15:17Posts: 4
And double posting.
Let me see ya nuts shwing

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