life, games, uni, and work have not mixed well at all for the last couple of years and I have told myself if i dont get into the uni course i want next year then i am leaving health behind and venturing off into something else. i have less then a month till my final exams, i was told i need a 6GPA for physio, sitting on just under 3 atm :S tho i have never ever applied myself to uni. > example, i have a assignment a week overdue because i cbf'd and i'd rather take back over dwain in the ranks. < half applied myself to sc and am now rank 30 or something in masters... i cant actually wait to see what i can achieve at uni.
so at work today i also concluded i will make one final push for it and make MASSIVE changes, it took alot of alcohol but i just finished deleting/uninstalling every single game/tv over both my systems, i backed up everything, but am going give my portable HDD to the rents so its out of reach,
though you guys wont see me for about 2 months, but come November i am on holidays for like 5months or something and i will prolly be on 12/7 (BF3 will take the other 12/7), but until then guys i will just trololol these forums.