I have noticed people have alot of trouble posting images and embedding youtube links so I thought I might write a guide to help everyone.
How to post images: 1. Upload your image to an image hosting website such as image shack or imgur.com. Take note of the direct link these websites provide you with. (if your image is already hosted on the internet skip this step)
2. You need to find out the dimensions of the image to do this right on it and click view image info.
3. Now we need to do some maths, to prevent the image from being too big and breaking the page layout we need to make the dimensions smaller. The best way i find of doing this is keep halving the dimensions until it seems to fit a reasonable size. What you do to the height you have to do to the width and vise verse. For example my image above is 800x450, the "re sized" dimensions would be 400, 225.
4. Now we have all the information we need to fill in the image tag, so it will look like [img.=400,225]http://imgur.com/8UHI9[/img] (without the "." next to img=).
5. Your image is now showing up, but a final touch needs to be added. The url to the image needs to surround the image tag so that you can click on it to make it bigger. eg. [url.=http://imgur.com/8UHI9.jpg][img.=400,225]http://imgur.com/8UHI9.jpg[/img][/url] (again without the ".' next to the tags.
How to embed youtube: 1. Find your awesome youtube video you want to share!
2. Copy the url it should look something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
3. Unfortunately the website can't handle urls like that so you need to modify it to look like this: http://www.youtube.com/v/dQw4w9WgXcQ (remove the "watch?" replace "=" with "/".
4. All youtube videos should fit the size 320,240. So the final result will look like this [flash.=320,240]http://www.youtube.com/v/dQw4w9WgXcQ[/flash] (without the "." after flash)