The Drunk Thread

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United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 19 2011 02:39Posts: 619
Hey well this is thread a thread about us prOxiteamers being drunk. I have got the permission from Veom. Veom told me to write a story about a Stalker meeting a Dragoon. This is my story:

In an ancient land, far far away, there once lived a stalker. He was among the most respected and honorable stalkers in his land, being victim of one of the most long and foughtsome wars in his nation, defending his colony against the Tal'Darim who looked to conquer his land. He trained hard to become one of the best stalkers in his colony, refining his blink micro to its finest.

In one his journeys to become the best blink microer under his belt, he met a Dragoon. The Dragoon was a life long legend, dating back to the wars that took place on Shakuras and on Auir, defending the place planet against the Zerg.

As the stalker met the Dragoon, he asked him of his origins. He said he came from the ULHTWUP(Univeristy of Learning How To Walk Up Ramps). He spent his life trying to refine the strategy of how to walk up ramps and specifically, how to walk up tight spaces. The Stalkers asked him for advice in the art of blinking. The Dragoon responded by saying "Blink your eyes? It keeps your eyes moist". That was when the Stalker realized the Dragoon was a complete idiot, and proceeded to kill him. But the Dragoon had the power of producing a spirit bomb, seeing that his attack had the GFX and looks of a spirit bomb, originated from Goku. He then proceeded to launch a Spirit Bomb to the stalker, in where the Stalker was not even to blink away from because BW is so much more gosu than SC2.

Australia August 19 2011 02:42Posts: 393
Cool story bro
Australia August 22 2011 06:00Posts: 305
amazing grammar if written while drunk. bravo :)

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