Me and BM

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United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 11:06Posts: 619
Alright guys, this post is originating from the CW last night against NMx and previous clan wars that we've had before.

For those that were there last night I'm sure you guys know what I am talking about. For those who weren't I'll give you guys a rundown of what happened:

On the final game, someone was pinging the map. No one knows who it was. NMx said it was us because right after the pinging stopped the brohan said something like "aww that was crazy!" or something along those lines. Now, BroHan im not blaming you <3333. No one had proof as to who it was, but the leader of NMx(or atleast the guy I was organizing the CW with) said something along the lines of "Don't blame me if I don't invite your players next game". That was the beginning of the BM. And towards the end, one of their players BM'ed FighT saying that was the worst marine split he had ever seen and prOxiteam went ahead and BM'ed back. And to top it all off when we won, FighT fucked up and typed "these guys were scrubs -___-" in the wrong chat chat(which made me lol, pretty funny :D)

Now this is what I want to talk about. Any team that loses, even US when we lose, we get frustrated and start BMing the other team. It's natural. They had the game CW in their hands but once FighT showed up and started knocking open nerd skulls, it was pretty much over. What I ask from you guys, is when someone BM's us, or our team, dont retaliate. It doesn't make us look any better if we choose to talk back and begin a flaming war between both teams. Of course this wasn't to that extreme where we didn't get along with other players, but this happened also with the CW we had against zL.

I understand that we are essentially defending our brothers, but come on guys, its the fucking internet. Who gives a fuck what other people say to us over a computer screen? I may sound like a hypocrite saying that by making this long post, but really, retaliating to BM by BMing back only makes us look as childish as they do. We're all pretty much adults here, Veom being the youngest I think at 19. So we can all agree that responding to people BMing us over the internet is ridiculous. Just ignore, let it go, and don't take it personal. If your taking shit people say over the internet personally or it gets you all hot and whatnot, you really gotta take a break from the computer screen(no offense).

This post is moreso BM'ing them directly. If we talk shit between ourselves that's fine(Who doesn't?). This post is mostly about responding to someone's BM by BM'ing them back. I'm going to start putting us in CW's to get our names out there and once we get experience sign us up for a Clan League. I don't want our team to have a reputation for BMing other teams(I don't want to be an EG). I want teams to look at prOxiteam and say "These guys are like silent killers. They show up, they say ggglhf, and they win shit." Let our skills put us at the forefront of clans, not our mouths.

<3333 proxiteam fighting!~!

NOTE: If you guys want to say anything regarding this go ahead. This is open for discussion :). NEWSWRITER
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 11:22Posts: 95
I agree that we should try to be conscious of our image. When you're in prOxi, your behavior reflects on us all. Just make sure the BM stays in the right chat box and I think we'll be ok :P.
United States August 06 2011 12:31Posts: 91
I couldn't make it last night sadly due to a family obligation but when reading this I thought of one thing. Actions speak louder than words. When our guys beat the crap out of them and come back from a losing record that's enough embarrassment to them. We don't have to say a word. Let our play talk for us. If fight has the so called worse marine split ever (no offense fight <3) then why the hell did they lose to it!! If he has bad micro so they say the should have been able to win, end if story. Them BM'ing is only their frustration at themselves trying to blame it on others. When we win a CW do it with honor... Don't disrespect anyone... Compliment them on their game play and offer tips! When we lose DO THE EXACT SAME. Be gracious, it's only through better players that we ourselves get better. Offer a GG, be mannered, and in turn your setting yourselves up for success in the future. If we go around BM'ing everyone no one will respect us and no one will want a CW with us. If you feel the need to BM go do it to a friend and be like, "man I'm really frustrated, I shouldn't have lost that for so and so reason..." that's why were all friends to help each other through the frustration in this game and to upbulid one another. Personally I know how frustrating a loss is but it's A GAME and it's only how you get better. I hope everyone gets a chance to read this thread and really to think about the good points people are bringing up.

THIS IS PROXITEAM!!!! (Spartan voice)
iNcontroL - "There's a hole there, and IdrA has to get in there. And he has to make it hurt." Gretorp - "That's what she said?"
Canada August 06 2011 13:41Posts: 93
Not all of EG is BM

HaVoC wrote:

THIS IS PROXITEAM!!!! (Spartan voice)

Please check out Either or for TMO casts :)
Australia August 06 2011 17:33Posts: 41
Bit sad that i missed all this action :( But yeah I agree with Havoc and Waesnok on the BM issue. One thing I want to say is that giving Proxi a good image isn't just about winning clan wars and being good mannered. Its also about our website. I know there was a topic discussing this before but that deteriated into more of the same. If you want to promote a clan/team one of the first things you do is direct people to your website. I'm not sure we can do this ATM. The amount of 100 percent shitty posts on our forum is plain embarrassing. So lets all make an effort to make this a great forum to support out clan war winning awesomeness.

Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 17:53Posts: 427
ROFL, I had no idea this was even happening hahaha. This makes my comment of "these guys were scrubs -___-" all the more hilarious lmao.

But to be fair, my splits were pretty effing terrible lol.

And to be even more fair (to myself :D), I wasn't trying to hard to be cautious with my army because that game was over for SOOOOO long I got a bit bored also mixed with the long boring TvT I had the game before (Hence my comment).
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 19:11Posts: 376
Ehh, I did ping once or twice but for a legitimate reason. If you're referring to the spamming of pinging, it made me chuckle so I responded.

Anyway, that guy was just mega butthurt, you shoulda seen the deadset BM things he said to Veom.

And as for FighT.... I'm sorry but that was fucking hilarious. Coz only FighT would do that.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 19:19Posts: 376

TheSouthLord wrote:

Bit sad that i missed all this action :( But yeah I agree with Havoc and Waesnok on the BM issue. One thing I want to say is that giving Proxi a good image isn't just about winning clan wars and being good mannered. Its also about our website. I know there was a topic discussing this before but that deteriated into more of the same. If you want to promote a clan/team one of the first things you do is direct people to your website. I'm not sure we can do this ATM. The amount of 100 percent shitty posts on our forum is plain embarrassing. So lets all make an effort to make this a great forum to support out clan war winning awesomeness.

Also, wtf is? I respect your good intentions, but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not like we're a bloody Olympics team representing a country. Discussion, disagreements and open-ended joking with each other is what makes us a TEAM and a CLAN, and to be frank that's what I like about prOxi. There's nothing wrong with this forum.
Stop referring to prOxi as "ours" when you don't even spend enough time with us to warrant being a community member.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 20:51Posts: 95
I think its alright to joke with your friends, (team members) but people you don't know might not always interpret what your saying as friendly and that just generates drama that im sure most of us can live without. It wont kill you to be a bit nicer, poohan.
United States August 06 2011 21:06Posts: 202
god this post is stupid, shutup bobo, you fucking faggot.
Also I find it funny that you both point to EG for being known for it's bad manner and then put in your post "just let it go," which for several months was the slogan for one of EG's forefront members, EG.iNcontroL on teamliquid forums. Could this be a sign that today is in fact opposite day? Or is that could this not be a non sign that tomorrow is not a day that is perpendicular to yesterday? Well, yeah, I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. No? Umm, fall back to the shadows?
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 21:09Posts: 1000
Can't argue with that, Bobo. My work had a seminar on brand image a couple days ago and for me it's reinforced the idea that it is quite important how we are perceived by others if we want to be successful. We don't wanna be team idra ^_^
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 22:04Posts: 427

maareek wrote:

god this post is stupid, shutup bobo, you fucking faggot.


Also I find it funny that you both point to EG for being known for it's bad manner and then put in your post "just let it go," which for several months was the slogan for one of EG's forefront members, EG.iNcontroL on teamliquid forums. Could this be a sign that today is in fact opposite day? Or is that could this not be a non sign that tomorrow is not a day that is perpendicular to yesterday? Well, yeah, I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. No? Umm, fall back to the shadows?

I lol'd irl many times during my reading of this post rofl. Post of the month imo.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 22:14Posts: 619

ProHan wrote:

Ehh, I did ping once or twice but for a legitimate reason. If you're referring to the spamming of pinging, it made me chuckle so I responded.

Anyway, that guy was just mega butthurt, you shoulda seen the deadset BM things he said to Veom.

And as for FighT.... I'm sorry but that was fucking hilarious. Coz only FighT would do that.

Yeah man I'm not blaming you at all. I don't know who was doing the pinging, and no one does, I was just using it as an example as to why the BM started. And yes, what FighT was hilarious. Made me laugh really hard :).

ProHan wrote:


Also, wtf is? I respect your good intentions, but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not like we're a bloody Olympics team representing a country. Discussion, disagreements and open-ended joking with each other is what makes us a TEAM and a CLAN, and to be frank that's what I like about prOxi. There's nothing wrong with this forum.
Stop referring to prOxi as "ours" when you don't even spend enough time with us to warrant being a community member.

Anyone that is part of this forums has a right to share their opinion. Just because he is not part of the team does not mean he doesn't have a right to voice his opinion on the matter. If we wanted this discussion to be just inside the team, Dwain would have made a forum just for team members. Although I do agree that the forums are fine the way they are, it doesn't mean you have the right to completely shit on his argument by saying he doesn't have a right to voice his opinion based on his status quo. I've seen TheSouthLord plenty of times and gamed with him plenty of times. It may not be with all of us, but he is actively on SC2.

Basically, don't shit on other people just because they aren't in the clan. If your going to give criticism or disagree with someone, do it right. Don't directly insult a person.

Waesnok wrote:

I think its alright to joke with your friends, (team members) but people you don't know might not always interpret what your saying as friendly and that just generates drama that im sure most of us can live without. It wont kill you to be a bit nicer, poohan.

Beautifully said :). NEWSWRITER
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 22:25Posts: 619
Basically guys, can we all agree on not responding to BM when a team gives it to us? We can talk shit on another team, I don't care, but let's keep it between us and only us.

If another team BM's us, just ignore it, leave it alone, and brush it off like a bunch of bauses. Can we all agree on that, yes? NEWSWRITER
Australia August 06 2011 22:34Posts: 41

ProHan wrote:

TheSouthLord wrote:

Bit sad that i missed all this action :( But yeah I agree with Havoc and Waesnok on the BM issue. One thing I want to say is that giving Proxi a good image isn't just about winning clan wars and being good mannered. Its also about our website. I know there was a topic discussing this before but that deteriated into more of the same. If you want to promote a clan/team one of the first things you do is direct people to your website. I'm not sure we can do this ATM. The amount of 100 percent shitty posts on our forum is plain embarrassing. So lets all make an effort to make this a great forum to support out clan war winning awesomeness.

Also, wtf is? I respect your good intentions, but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not like we're a bloody Olympics team representing a country. Discussion, disagreements and open-ended joking with each other is what makes us a TEAM and a CLAN, and to be frank that's what I like about prOxi. There's nothing wrong with this forum.
Stop referring to prOxi as "ours" when you don't even spend enough time with us to warrant being a community member.

Joking and a bit of BM within the team is great. Personally I feel it should be kept to chat rooms and skype and stuff. Because on the forums its there forever and everyone that comes to our (oops i mean proxis) site will see it. And as an outsider it can be hard to tell what is friendly and what is not friendly and a lot of it just seems not worth a post. I apologise if you feel I don't know anything about this but as you said, my intentions were good.
Australia August 06 2011 23:22Posts: 393
i c wat u did thar southlord
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 06 2011 23:35Posts: 376

TheSouthLord wrote:

ProHan wrote:

TheSouthLord wrote:

Bit sad that i missed all this action :( But yeah I agree with Havoc and Waesnok on the BM issue. One thing I want to say is that giving Proxi a good image isn't just about winning clan wars and being good mannered. Its also about our website. I know there was a topic discussing this before but that deteriated into more of the same. If you want to promote a clan/team one of the first things you do is direct people to your website. I'm not sure we can do this ATM. The amount of 100 percent shitty posts on our forum is plain embarrassing. So lets all make an effort to make this a great forum to support out clan war winning awesomeness.

Also, wtf is? I respect your good intentions, but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not like we're a bloody Olympics team representing a country. Discussion, disagreements and open-ended joking with each other is what makes us a TEAM and a CLAN, and to be frank that's what I like about prOxi. There's nothing wrong with this forum.
Stop referring to prOxi as "ours" when you don't even spend enough time with us to warrant being a community member.

Joking and a bit of BM within the team is great. Personally I feel it should be kept to chat rooms and skype and stuff. Because on the forums its there forever and everyone that comes to our (oops i mean proxis) site will see it. And as an outsider it can be hard to tell what is friendly and what is not friendly and a lot of it just seems not worth a post. I apologise if you feel I don't know anything about this but as you said, my intentions were good.

I must say, you are quite mature for a 13 year old.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
Australia August 07 2011 00:00Posts: 80
I agree with your point on the bm, they clearly demonstrated that they were not very well mannered but I think we should not retaliate and it would have been more beneficial for us to be "the better man". We can really set ourselves up for a good image by behaving well online during clan wars.

I do however believe the forums are fine the way they are, it's a place where the community can just relax and doesn't have to be overly formal.

Lastly both me and fruit are younger than veom :) with myself being the youngest I believe
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam August 07 2011 00:49Posts: 619

maareek wrote:

god this post is stupid, shutup bobo, you fucking faggot.


Also I find it funny that you both point to EG for being known for it's bad manner and then put in your post "just let it go," which for several months was the slogan for one of EG's forefront members, EG.iNcontroL on teamliquid forums. Could this be a sign that today is in fact opposite day? Or is that could this not be a non sign that tomorrow is not a day that is perpendicular to yesterday? Well, yeah, I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. No? Umm, fall back to the shadows?

And the best post of the year goes to maareek. Holy shit hahahahahaaha. NEWSWRITER
Canada August 07 2011 17:19Posts: 93
It's okay to point out what a players doing wrong to let them know and help them improve. Even if you're from a different team. But BMing is a whole different story. It changes everything up. If someone else BMs, and you BM back, you're no better than the other person yourself.
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