Child, I have been around for a long, long time. I have seen the swAMi get lucky and then turn his sword into a shroom and through it all the bright light of his rage has burned, lighting entire villages in the mountains of Southeast Asia. For these villagers, the luminous anger of the Shroom has been a blessing beyond words, and it should go without saying that I have been the cause on more than one occasion. I could tell you stories about the rage, my son, and you would be scared, but I choose instead to tell you about that warm flame and the power of its light, so that you might feel the great comfort of Shroom's constantly burning but never consuming fire. Appreciate that fire, like the poor peasants of Laos, and learn to love the good it does in the world.
That said, the Kiwis fucking hate him. Burns up all their crops. What a jerk.