Casting APL

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United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam June 24 2011 11:39Posts: 619
Sup my bruddas. This Saturday(Australians Sunday) I'll be casting the APL, also known as the American ProLeague.. The organizer of the league is a good buddy of mine, became a fan of the GOTW's, and asked me if I wanted to some of the matches. Here's the link to the post:

It is a clan league and this weekend I'm going to be casting oGd vs Mobility gaming. It's going to be on at 1pm PST Saturday, which would be around 6am Sunday morning Melbourne time.

Check it out bruddas <333333. NEWSWRITER
Denmark June 24 2011 14:43Posts: 85
Cool. Good luck and do your best!
Nobody beats the Beater
United States June 24 2011 15:44Posts: 91
Are you allowed to plug in PrOxiteam?
iNcontroL - "There's a hole there, and IdrA has to get in there. And he has to make it hurt." Gretorp - "That's what she said?"
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam June 27 2011 12:56Posts: 619
VODs are up. It was fun casting. I'll post again when I get news on the next one. :).

And its actually called APL, not PTGL T_T. My bad on that. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam June 28 2011 00:22Posts: 1000
You can change the title by editing the opening post.

I did it for you.
Which ones did you actually cast? I'm watching the VODs now and it's some aegis guy?

edit: nevermind must've missed that part of your post
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam June 28 2011 00:24Posts: 1000
Haha bobo this is the best casting you've done so far ^_^ love it
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam June 28 2011 00:56Posts: 619
Shit had no idea I could edit the title haha. ^_^.

Thanks man. I'll make sure to put the mic farther away from my mouth though next time lol. NEWSWRITER

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