After talking with their leader we came up with the map pool/rules:
You guys already heard its KotH format. But we going to cap it where a player can only go 2-0 before the winning team has to switch players. I know this is going to make Dwain QQ for a bit, but the reasoning behind it is that is a scrimmage, not a Clan League. The purpose of a scrimmage is to give our players experience/practice in a Clan War format.
You may say, "Well if it's about playtime, why not just make 5 1v1's, bo3 each?". Because not only is it better for us to obs your games and tell you what you need to improve on/why you lost to help improve your play, it allows us all to watch and observe games as a team. Remember, a scrimmage is for fun, nothing serious.
Here's the map pool:
Crossfire SE
GSL Terminus
GSL Tal'Darim
GSL Crevasse
MLG Xel'Naga Cavern
MLG Shakaras Plateau
MLG Shattered Temple
MLG Metalopolis
Starting map will be MLG Shattered Temple.
If it really bugs you guys about the APL format/the winning cap, then i'm sorry but I have to agree with their leader. If this was a clan league where prestige is on the line, then I would be completely against it. But we're just doing this for fun, two teams wanting to get their players experience in CWs, introduce their relatively "new" players to the CW scene for those who didn't play BW with us. Sorry FighT, but no all-kill for j00 <3. :).
And I have no idea the skill level of their team.
NOTE: Fruit brought up a good question. The only player who DOESNT have a winning cap is the last player of the team. The last player can all-kill and win the CW if we're down like 4-0 or something.