Because alot of us have been having trouble killing FighT recently I thought i would write this guide to help everyone out! FighT has 3 consistent build orders which he uses in ZvT, I am going to discuss each one. After this guide you should be able to beat FighT 90% of the time.
I am going to assume that the zerg opens 15 hatch, 15 pool, 15gas
2 rax:
10 drone scout, if there is no gas you know it could be a 2 rax. Hang around his base until you spot the second rax then get out of there.
Follow the souting SCV around your base and natural, watch for it to put down a bunker, also make sure that your overlord is over your natural. If he starts building a bunker pull 5 or 6 drones to attack the scv building the bunker. If there is a marine there, attempt to surround the marine. Once your pool is done make 6 zerglings and a spine crawler, delaying your second queen.
Follow up:
- Get zergling speed
- @next 100 gas get lair and take second gas
- @half lair baneling nest
- get bane speed asap
Killing him:
Make alot of lings Banes, what ever you do DON'T TAKE A THIRD BASE. Roll the banelings up his ramp first and hope he doesn't have seige mode yet. If this attack doesn't kill FighT then you lose.
1 rax expand:
10 drone scout, there will be no gas. After hanging around for a bit there won't be a second barracks going down, return the scout to your base.
No early pressure comming drone! Get overlords in position around his base
Follow up:
- @100 gas, lair and take second gas
- @100 gas, zergling speed
- @ half lair get roach warren
- @ lair complete get a nydus network
- build roaches and lings
Killing him:
Make alot of lings/Roaches and send a nydus into his main where he can't see it. Unload all of your units and send through 2 drones + 1 queen. Build 2 spine crawlers and lay a creep tumor. If FighT sees your nydus you can nydus out the front of his natural and try to break him however this is less likley to work.
Reactor helion opening:
10 drone scout, there will be a gas before the barracks
Initally drone
get 2-3 spines depending on the map and an extra queen
get creep spread going
Follow up:
- @100 gas zergling speed
- extra queen
- @100 gas lair and take other gas
- @half lair baneling nest
- @baneling nest complete get speed
Killing him:
Now this is where it gets tricky, if you can kill his inital 5-6 helions by this point then you should go for a ling/bane all-in similar to the 2 rax. If you can't take your extra 2 gases at your natural and go for mutas. You can delay baneling speed to get quicker mutas. Build 5-6 mutas to get map control back and then try to break him with ling/baneling/muta.