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Australia May 12 2011 16:51Posts: 305
Has everyone checked that post out?

The link is here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=221896

Heavily paraphrasing; the article is about how the players most people regard as amazing in sc2 are actually the bottom end of pros from sc1 essentially playing for the money.
Subsequently the competition level in sc2 is far lower than sc1. He states that if any of the super good bw pros came to sc2, with a few months practice they would blow everyone away.

Of particular interest to me was the quote -
"I am saying that there are 300 current pros and semi-pros that have the potential to come in and dominate SC2 at any moment, with a latency of a few months from the day they switch."

I personally dont particularly care if the standard of sc2 is lower than bw is, I still enjoy it for what it is at the moment, a young game with young players that is constantly evolving. I think everything he said is probably correct but I have no proper perspective as i didn't follow bw.

I was wondering what you guys all thought of this post, as majority of the clan played a lot of bw and followed the pro scene and i did not? Im not interested in 'which game is better' or anything like that, just interested if you older players agree with the TL post.

TLDR - Does the broodwar scene have hundreds of players that could dominate code-S if they switched over?
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam May 12 2011 17:53Posts: 1000
I absolutely agree with that article and enjoyed reading it yesterday. Seriously, wait til FlaSh and JaeDong arrive. Shit is gonna get real, and I cannot wait.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam May 12 2011 18:01Posts: 427
I don't even know why this post was even needed. Bw is still 100x more popular than Sc2 in Korea, so ofcourse the vast majority of the most talented gamers are going to be playing BW.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam May 12 2011 18:46Posts: 117
awesome read. and i love the comment about how its not if they will dominate, but when.
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam May 12 2011 18:52Posts: 619
Still give credit to the players who are playing SC2 though. They are discovering a game that is still very very very very young and setting the foundation for all of us. Jaedong and Flash already had the foundations set by the likes of Boxer, July, oov, etc. etc. and for players like MVP, MKP, MC, etc etc to be venturing into a game where the foundations may still be rocky, is a tough task.
http://sc2sig.com/s/us/1614629-1.png NEWSWRITER
Denmark May 12 2011 21:28Posts: 85
I agree with the article that the competition and work-ethics in SC2 is lower than in BW, however, I feel like comparing anyone in the SC2 scene with someone like Jaedong and Flash is quite unfair. Jaedong's career is longer than the entire lifetime of SC2 and even then Jaedong has been standing on the shoulders of the giants before him, who have been standing on the shoulders of the giants before them. SC2 is a very young game where nobody has figured everything out yet (it's still being patched ffs).

The article mentions the work ethics of SC2 as compared to BW, and it's clear that BW players train harder. While this means that the competitive level is higher in BW, I actually feel like the competetive environment is a lot healthier in SC2. People should play SC2 because they really want to, not because they absolutely have to in order to be able to compete with the rest. Now if someone simply has no other desire than to train 15 hours every day, 365 days a year then so be it, he's going to be amazing at the game. The reason why Jaedong is so good is (arguably) that he has such an insane practice schedule as he has, he just does it naturally as part of his mind-set and aproach to the game. However, Jaedong practices this much because he wants to and not because he is required to, which I believe is an important distinction. I believe the main reason why BW players practice so many hours is because the current top players are the ones who practice the most, so in order to compete the other players feel like they must practice just as much if not more.

In SC2 this is not true (that I know of) to the same extend. I don't believe MC practices more than HuK does, instead MC is simply better at picking up and mastering a new game faster than HuK is. As long as SC2 continues to be patched and new expansion packs are on the horizon I don't feel like mass gaming will have the same impact on skill-level as it does in BW. Instead the game will reward creativity, adaptability and intelligent play a lot higher and allow players who put in less hours to still out-shine others who play more. In the end I feel like this is a much more healthy aproach to esports than what we know from BW, where nerds can literally not have a social life due to the amount of hours they have to invest into the game. Once SC2:ProtossExpansion settles down and things become more and more figured out I believe we'll start to see mass-gaming becoming a much more important factor to a player's success and BW work-ethics will become prevalent. Until then players will have more freedom to play less, develope social skills and become more likeable, normal persons who have more fun, and isn't that something we all want to see happen?

The competitive level is higher in BW, but the competitive environment is more healthy in SC2. Mass gaming is less important in SC2 which is why we don't see it as much, but once Blizzard stops patching and releasing new expansion packs things will settle down and mass gaming will become prevalent. Until then players are free to be more relaxed and have FUN with the game, which is a good thing IMO.

Sheesh, that got longer than I expected
Nobody beats the Beater
Australia May 13 2011 08:52Posts: 305
i love that you guys are all such badass BW players, its awesome, wish i was there in those times too. Cant wait to see what sc2 will become when/if all the amazing players im hearing about switch. great times ahead no doubt!

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