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Top left to bottom right, I am left handed in writing but not a left-sided person per seVeom wrote:
When you box select what corner do you start at and what hand do you write with?
I relied heavily on them in BW but I can't get them to bind at all in SC2 for some reason :S just doesn't work.Veom wrote:
Do you use camera hotkeys?
Mini-map a lot yes but if I'm microing a battle I always move screen around with the mouse for small adjustments (which is the right time to do it btw)Veom wrote:
Do you scroll the screen with the mouse a lot or use the mini-map more?
1,2,3,6,7,9,0Veom wrote:
What number hot-keys do you use up to?
Wtf? No.Veom wrote:
Do you ever click a button on the bottom right which you could use a hot-key for?
well, if u play random, grid would be much better, if u sticking with a race, just use standard, but really its up 2 u...HaVoC wrote:
What Hotkey setting is the best? Standard or grid? I have standard but sometimes I forget hotkeys so I have the little thing in the box which tells you what letter to press!
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