[Application] ReaperX [sHockeR]

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Hong Kong April 28 2011 10:12Posts: 11
Hey guys!

I am ReaperX, a Protoss player from Hong Kong. I'm Chinese and Spanish and an avid gamer; that plays StarCraft around 3-4 hours daily. Although I've started StarCraft 2 around 2 months after the game was released, I believe I have the potential to play at a High level; as I am already a Rank 1 Platinum Player and hopefully soon a Highly ranked Diamond player.

My Character Code is 395, and my in-game email is fmw2812@yahoo.com (And yes, that's my school email ^^). At the moment I normally play on the SEA server a lot, but once I get to Master's or GrandMaster's in the coming month's I will hopefully transition to playing more in the NA ladder, as I am already Platinum there.

Hopefully I can get to know you guys more in the coming few days and months and hopefully be part of the Roster one day! Cheers, and I hope you consider me!

SEA - [ReaperX][395]
NA - [sHockeR][205]
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 11:50Posts: 619
Welcome to the site! We all hang out on the NA server in channel proxiteam. Ask for games or just hang around :). Cheers.
http://sc2sig.com/s/us/1614629-1.png NEWSWRITER
Hong Kong April 28 2011 11:55Posts: 11
Thanks! I sure will be seeing you guys relatively soon, just maybe when it's not 2:55 AM in the morning :)
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 15:41Posts: 1000
Welcome buddy, hope to c u in bnet
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 16:25Posts: 427
Since you are protoss you are basically automatically in the team.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 18:02Posts: 619
Hahahaha I just lol'd. Thanks FighT <3.
http://sc2sig.com/s/us/1614629-1.png NEWSWRITER
Hong Kong April 28 2011 18:51Posts: 11
Hong Kong April 28 2011 18:52Posts: 11
I think I'll visit NA to hang out with you guys but I made a goal to be Master's or GM on the SEA server before the end of the season. I'm still definitely up for games anytime!
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 19:06Posts: 1000
Seriously, forget SEA if you're interested in being rostered with us.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Hong Kong April 28 2011 19:20Posts: 11
Sure, i'm on NA right now. Are you on too?
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 28 2011 19:31Posts: 1000
I'm at work. I work full time. I get on starcraft some weeknights but mostly friday nights and weekends
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Hong Kong April 28 2011 19:42Posts: 11
Oh ok, take care and i'll catch you later on in the day!
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 29 2011 00:41Posts: 29
hey man, i play on sea just to practice mechanics but NA is probs the better choice, but i'm up for a game on whichever server :)
Hong Kong April 29 2011 00:53Posts: 11
Sure! Why not? I'm online right now
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam April 29 2011 04:10Posts: 29
although forgot to mention that my computer off for repair atm, should be back soon..
Hong Kong May 01 2011 15:22Posts: 11
Hi guys! would like to add that I am now diamond on SEA
Australia May 01 2011 17:05Posts: 305
woop. more protoss around my level to practice with :)
Australia May 01 2011 21:21Posts: 305
also im goig to HK soon and am very excited :P
United Kingdom May 02 2011 02:28Posts: 42
Welcome mate, good luck :)
If you dont strive for anything, you wont achieve nothing.

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