Hey FighT!
Things have changed a little. We can be as tight as we like when it comes to recruitment. But we cannot escape the laws of supply and demand. In Brood War, there really weren't a whole lot of quality clans for people to join. This meant we were able to be quite strict with our recruitment policy, and would still have interested people hanging around for as long as it took them to get recruited.
In StarCraft 2, the amount of quality teams around is quite large. We no longer have the luxury of being a diamond in the rough. Waiting too long could be the difference between integrating some really high-potential players, or losing them to the next team that comes along and picks them up.
Consider also that this doesn't really have to affect us negatively at all. Veom talks to me before pretty much all of his actions are made as recruitment manager, and I either agree with him, or I disagree and recommend him a different course of action.
You may notice 'jamesltl' is no longer on the roster. We recruited him, he stopped showing up, and so he got removed. That really hasn't damaged us at all (can you think of a way that it has?). The important thing is that the dedicated players will stick around. Some players may come and go in the meantime, but occasionally some of those players are the ones that will become solid members just like yourself (yay!) and it's worth having a few guys come and go in order to find the ones that stay.
Additionally, your example about [AutO] is not a very good one. You have to remember that [AutO] was started by Sliggy, who is a great guy, but always played Brood War in ridiculous spurts. He would completely disappear for 6 months at a time. I am confident that even if most of our players left (let's pretend they were recruited in some mass-recruitment binge), we would still have our core players here to keep things going. I will still be here even if I am the only one left. And I know I'm not the only one with this attitude.
These above points in combination with Veom's ability to be much more active with weeding out inactive players from our roster is in my opinion a great way forward.