Well guys the next practice session I am scheduling it for TWO days of this weekend coming up. I know it's late notice, but I got caught up in trying to figure out some sort of schedule. The reason I am doing it twice if for two things:
1) Give those people a chance who can't make it to Friday's to make it to Saturday's.
2) I can't make it Friday night :).
So here are the dates and times:
March 25, 2011 for North Americans
March 26,2011 for Australians
6pm Pacific Standard Time, 12pm Melbourne Time
March 26, 2011 for North Americans
March 27,2011 for Australians
6pm Pacific Standard Time, 12pm Melbourne Time
If you guys can't make it, it's ok. It's not mandatory. Here are some things i'm going to ask for you guys to do before the practice session
1) Download and get an account for Skype. Ventrilo only holds 8 people and until we get out TeamSpeak server up, we will be using Skype for our practice sessions.
2) Do NOT invite anyone to the games that are not in our clan Roster located on the right side of this page. The only exceptions are those who we see inside the channel on a consistent basis like puCk or Eulogy. Anyone else, don't invite into the games.
3) No anonymous Ventrilos :P.
I hope you guys are all ok with this. For the first practice session, I will not be able to be there, and the second one is still in the air for me. However, you guys don't need me to practice. You basically all get together, see who wants to play games, and practice, give each other tips, etc. Just like last week.
If someone wants to take charge of this your more than welcome to. Depending on how many people show up, break up into groups of 4, no more than 5. This will make practice much more efficient and allow people to game a lot more opposed to last time. Cheers guys enjoy ~