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And let me list those who we will be welcoming into the roster:
- Beherit - Also known as prOxi.Gorilla - Has been quite consistent in assuring me he will be hopping on the SC2 wagon since release. It still hasn't happened. Logan, you can add yourself to the applicants list if this time ever comes.
- Ratfink- Our trusty co-developer who helps me write the code for this website. He really shouldnt've been on the roster in the first place haha. He is not a competitive gamer. I just put him there for fun originally anyway!
- Pinkette - Also known as prOxi.Pink - Always a stalwart competitor in our Brood War days, this clan favourite of old hasn't managed to get into the swing of SC2. Alex, please add yourself to our applicants if you change your mind and find a way to get into SC2.
- epidiOn - Also known as prOxi.SouL)iO - Our very first American from way back in 2004. One of my favourite guys in general. Max, we really want you to come back! Please do!
- Legacy - I think we might've seen a little bit of Patrick back in the BETA days. Dude, where are you?
- Final - Ryan has poked his head into SC2 on a very occasional basis. This was a hard decision, but even a monthly visit is rare for Final.
- PlayazXR - Ant was pretty active in BETA. Since release, I'm not sure if he's even laddered at all.
- Spets1 - Spets is another one who has been with us from very early-on. We snagged this gosu from gH clan way back in the day and it was a good one! Spets, you're always welcome back, just install the damn game!
- bon - We all love Jordan but he's another one yet to install SC2 as far as I am aware.
- Beater - Beater was always one of our best players. Being from Europe, it is not currently possible for him to play with us. If he gets a north american version of SC2 to play with us, he will surely find himself back on the roster.
To those who were de-rostered, again, it's nothing personal. It's just about being organised. Please feel free to talk to me on MSN if you have any questions, or just want to flame me ^_^
- nubbin - This guy has shown his will to improve. He has been a participant in recent tournaments, and is quite active on! Please welcome our new Protoss user nubbin!
- LSDiesel - A strong zerg up-and-comer. LSDiesel has been very active lately and is becoming well known among our team. We look forward to seeing how he does in future events.
Jamestlt is FrenzyPainNapE wrote:
I support all the changes and agree with Dwain about reflecting actual gaming activity :P Welcome nubbin and diesel! <3 sort of expected to see Echoes added also.
The only person I am not familiar with on the roster now is jamestlt? Unless he's an aka I'm not aware of...wouldn't be the first time.
No I didn't, I'd lay off on the shrooms if I was you. If I ever get a NA account I will totally contact you first though!NapE wrote:
er beater did you contact me on the NA server yesterday? I may very well have been a dream but I can't think :P
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