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Forum Index -> StarCraft 2

Australia January 27 2011 14:54Posts: 10
I don't know about you guys but lately i have been watching a hell of a lot of streams over at Especially MrBitter's, i really like this guys stream and he seems to be helping me a little with my z :P, still haven't got the confidence to 1v1 though haha but it'll get there. Just wonder what streams you guys are watching? if any, or which you'd recommend? I also watch steven bonnell (Destiny) stream as well, which is pretty good.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam January 27 2011 16:26Posts: 427
that Destiny guy bm'd me during a game -_-
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia January 27 2011 16:56Posts: 10
yeah that's why i'm reluctant to watch him, i really don't appreciate bm for no reason. I usually watch him for his playstyle though, he streams alot that's why. MrBitter is my favourite though, he's gm and fun to watch lol
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam January 27 2011 17:21Posts: 1000
Does CellaWerra still stream? Watching that guy's stream was so much fun!
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia January 27 2011 17:39Posts: 10
Not sure, i'll keep an eye out for his name though. Sucks bitter is on now and this laptop isn't working :(
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam January 27 2011 18:50Posts: 619
Yeah CellaWerra still streams.

I like to watch MrBitter's stream, SjOw, and of course Liquid_HuK. He plays some really intense games =). NEWSWRITER

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