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Australia December 05 2010 22:43Posts: 393
So my match-up stats are crazy.

ZvP 69% win
ZvT 43% win
ZvZ 47% win

Because of my ZvP when ever i hit a protoss on the ladder i go sweet easy win. I don't like ZvT very much and i feel that ZvZ is random luck most of the time. I think I'm good at ZvP because when i started playing one of my friends played protoss so i just practiced against him for like 70 games.

So what is your favorite and best match-up to play and also why do you think u are so good at that one match-up?
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 05 2010 23:20Posts: 1000
My best matchup is always the one ive played the most. Currently this is tvz
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 06 2010 04:50Posts: 1000
So how'd u get them stats anyway?
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 06 2010 16:00Posts: 619
Yeah, I want to see my stats. lol. NEWSWRITER
Australia December 06 2010 17:56Posts: 393
Ohh right i save all of my replays, i then used sc2 gears to analyze them all.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 06 2010 19:22Posts: 1000
You save all your replays? Shit... I could never be bothered lol :P
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia December 06 2010 20:23Posts: 393
:O, how can you not save all of your replays its like 20-100 kb a rep, and all u have to do is press the save button then ok. Lol imo no reason not to save them
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 06 2010 20:45Posts: 1000
Well it's not about the size. It's about the effort. Really, I can't be bothered lol. I rather just click multiplayer and find game straight away.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
United States December 06 2010 21:48Posts: 202
Ah! Now I know the true reason I haven't reached higher on the ladder: I save every replay ... and rename them all! Obviously, any time I might have spent actually gaming is tied up in such a meticulous activity.

I also saved all my reps back in BW. Who knows how good I might have been if I hadn't. And yes, I even manually saved reps when I used penguinplug's autoreplay function.

Incidentally, I dled the program and did a quick check of my games.

TvZ: 42%
TvP: 33%
TvT: 81%
ZvT: 37%
ZvP: 71%
ZvZ: 66%
PvT: 64%
PvZ: 75%
PvP: 72%

I'm amazed my PvP ratio is that high. Like, seriously surprised, but the other numbers don't surprise me. Similarly unsurprising: I have an 83% win rate in games where I'm teamed with FighT. Mass sentries, baby, they're (almost) unbeatable.
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia December 07 2010 00:46Posts: 393
All your mirror match-ups are pretty high O_o. Sif rename them that takes too long lol
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 07 2010 03:21Posts: 427
Your Terrans looking a little sloppy according to those stats maar xD
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
United States December 07 2010 08:08Posts: 202
Not my TvT! ;p Which is by far my most played T matchup. Honestly, though, I have no clue TvZ or TvP because of a lack of experience; the RNG doesn't like to give me Terran.

I really enjoy playing the mirrors in SC2. I liked TvT and ZvZ in BW, as well. There's just something about the way the mirror matchups highlight the subtle things that I really dig.
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 07 2010 23:29Posts: 619
I don't save all my replays so I can't give you a good idea of what my best match up is. I do feel ZvT and ZvP are my strongest, respectively. NEWSWRITER
Australia December 09 2010 00:19Posts: 99

LuckySword wrote:

You save all your replays? Shit... I could never be bothered lol :P

Waah! Dry your tears, because Dustin Browder's got your back in the upcoming patch 1.2:

Patch 1.2 wrote:

  • Added an option to permanently save all replays. Checking this option will mark all unsaved replays as being saved.
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
Australia December 28 2010 04:57Posts: 18
Interesting discussion

I've never recorded all my games but just from the feel of how often i win.

Z v Z 70%
Z v P 55%
Z v T 30% (I HATE MMM)

P v P 65%
P v T 55%
P v Z 40%

i'm noticing a pattern here re Z v P

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